April 1 2006
Last waltz
The lights are getting low and the dance is just about over
By John Kaminski
It has been a pleasure sharing this dance with you?
Now, as the lights burn low in the evening of humanity, when madness has spread its poison over most of the globe and throughout most of our bodies, I just want to say thanks for a lovely evening and I'm sorry the way things turned out.
What exactly is your plan as system failure approaches, if I may ask?
Personally, I don't have one. As a result of publishing delays, news overload, and general confusion, I appear to find myself at the end of my current publishing career, beset by financial woes from which I likely will not recover. Even though I have a new book coming out and another in the works, my efficacy as an Internet essayist appears to be at and end, owing to the choices I have made that have resulted in my exclusion from virtually all established Internet news venues, at least the ones I liked.
An array to supposedly sincere voices have turned against me. I leave it to you to determine the validity of their assertions.
But what was the bomb I threw that made so many turn away in reflexive fear?
I hit a nerve. What was the nerve I hit?
What has caused the widespread banning of my essays at supposedly hip, progressively political sites across the Internet? What boundary in the enforced silence of government censorship did I cross?
I ID'd the perps, is what. And gave everyone a glimpse into some serious gatekeeper behavior on the Net.
Did you ever ask who the gatekeepers protect?
Jewish bankers. For 250 years, at least. War after war. Just check who's financing the ones we have now. Israeli financiers, who profited from advance knowledge of 9/11 stock trades and reaped insurance dividends as well, control all of American politics through influence in government (Kissinger, Perle, Wolfowitz), media (Hollywood and networks), and money (Rothschild, Rockefeller and their numerous clones).
Sure there are other dupes involved who profess different creeds and lineages. But always look at who’s handling the money.
This is the secret government. It's not-so-secret if you have the money to buy into the great scam producer, that churns money out of blood. But if you're an ordinary wage-earner, you're stuck in the dreary sitcom of partisan party politics where all the characters say only what they are allowed to say by the cash-bloated puppeteers who control them.
That you can't say the word Jew in connection with 9/11, the Iraq war, or the outright purchase of the American Congress, are more than clear indicators of the full spectrum dominance of Jewish influence in American culture, resulting in approval of the same kind of torture they routinely use in Israel, is all frighteningly similar to what it was in Germany before Hitler took power.
Full spectrum dominance. Endless war. Needlessly killed people. Will you be one of them?
Hundreds of essays on hundreds of websites around the world, hundreds of radio interviews, a few on TV or video, thousands of e-mail exchanges that expanded my mind to the point where I had to burst out with what I knew.
It was the reason for all this needless conflict. How much good my telling you about it remains to be seen. I only know my words spread and people react, to the point where there are active efforts to link me to intelligence agencies, or ban me outright, or accuse me of being duped or handled .... that I may have been set up on occasion appears now likely, and casts doubt on my ability to discern what’s really going on.
I only know treason, mass murder, and obstruction of justice I see it, and I have seen plenty of it in these past few turbulent years. If someone wants to confuse me with labels, that’s not that hard to do.
But ever since I saw that all the misleading labels — Frankists, Illuminati, New World Order — were only synonyms for the same group, I don’t pay much attention to labels. They’re really only for smearing someone. Better to use the actual word.
The very word that’s forbidden. I have pushed that envelope as far as I can and have been banned, ridiculed, proscribed and prevented from publishing what are obvious truths that everyone on this planet needs to know.
Our lives depend on it. Especially mine. If you feel that information I have provided has been worthwhile, please take the time — but only if you are able — to support my writing. Buy a book at http://www.johnkaminski.com/ or make a donation in support my efforts on what I hope has been your behalf through http://www.paypal.com/ Orders and contributions may also be mailed to 850 Hudson Ave., Sarasota FL 34236.
If fate so decrees and I am no longer able to continue producing stories in this series, it has been a pleasure to have had this last dance with you. In any case, thanks for your kind attention and your desire to know what’s really happening in our world.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida whose Internet essays have been seen on hundreds of websites around the world. His latest collection, Recipe for Extinction, is now available at http://www.johnkaminski.com/. He is also the author of two collections of essays, America's Autopsy Report and The Perfect Enemy, many of which have been published individually on hundreds of websites around the world. In addition, he has written The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn’t Believe the Official Story of What Happened on September 11, 2001, a 48-page booklet aimed at those who still believe the government’s highly questionable version of events. For more information and announcement of release dates, keep track at http://www.johnkaminski.com/