From Here to There ... some ideas on a better future (easy), and how to get there (not so easy) Can we awaken the sleeping giant called We the People of Canada and retake our country from the corporate trolls and usurpers...? Be the future you want to see ... M. Gandhi Standing Neocon Challenge |
Before We the People can talk about corporate power or anything else, We the People needs to exist... Richard Moore, Cyberjournal |
On Civil Disobedience - Henry David Thoreau Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and lawlessness... (for more see Gandhi on nonviolent action & civil disobedience) Civil Disobedience Getting rid of the trolls means making noise (they HATE it!). It means no longer giving a little grunt of disgust when they do something that once again incrementally reduces the quality of your life, and the life of your community, and going back in to the comfort of the tv or the music or the mall or the toke or whatever you do to forget (they LOVE that - they've been training you for it for years) - it means saying NO. NO. NO. I will take it NO MORE. In ways they cannot ignore - NO NO NO NO. Little ways and big ways - NO MORE. NO MORE. NO MORE!!!! I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS. I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS. We cannot fight them physically - they are way too big and powerful, they control the soldiers and cops and guns and media, and we would have no chance. Anyway, bloody revolutions are not a very good idea - the people leading them are almost invariably just using the unhappy people to get themselves into power, where they turn into trolls just like the people they replaced (have another boo of Animal Farm if you want a short but accurate sort of analogy). Yea, there are exceptions, but for every Castro or Che Guevera there are a hundred Pinochets or Idi Amins or Pol Pots - the odds just aren't worth it, the consequences of choosing wrong and getting behind a charismatic but totally corrupt "leader" just too high. Anyway, it's long past time we stopped relying on "heroes" and started taking responsibility ourselves - together. No more leaders - We the People will make the decisions. Together. But first we do face the small problem of getting rid of the trolls, and getting control of our country and communities back again. Well, maybe I mis-speak a bit - we never "really" had control, I don't think, so maybe it will be a first. That's fine. Whatever. Semantics are not important. Whether or not we were ever really in control, we were on a slow but fairly sure upward sort of path for quite a long time (a good kicking off point would be the Fields of Runnymede, about 800 years ago), culminating in the mid-1970s, at least in Canada. Since then we've been going downhill, as the trolls slowly but surely started rolling back all the gains our parents and grandparents had made over the last lot of years. So - how do we get control of things without bloody revolution? Well, that's always the question. A good start would be to remove their power by refusing to obey the rules they make to control us. Where we can, as we can. Like water running off a roof in a rainstorm - getting into every crack. Drip drip drip. Drip drip drip. Drip drip drip. NO NO NO. NO NO NO. Their power rests on obedience - they do not have enough cops, enough courts, enough jails, to control us if we refuse to maintain our own chains. If we stand together, we can bring the trolls to their knees - and we can rise to our feet and never again be troll slaves. NO NO NO. NO NO NO. This is the death of a thousand cuts - for the trolls. Every time a troll turns around, he finds a Boxer NOT doing something to support him. Every time a troll turns around he finds a Snowdrop throwing a monkey wrench into something. Every time a government tax collector opens an envelope, he finds less money than he expected. Every time there is an election, we elect somebody they don't want us electing. Every time a petty bureaucrat comes strutting around demanding that the citizens obey, he is greeted with laughter. Imagine what would happen in a bank if one teller, one day, added a zero to every transaction he entered into the computer (easy enough to blame on a MS malfunction too!!!!) Imagine if every family in your village openly cultivated a few pot plants in the summertime. Imagine if every small town, every neighborhood of a 1,00 people or more, stopped sending their kids to the brainwashing troll school, and started letting the kids educate themselves, by watching the adults and sharing their own learning, with help as available when needed from the local adults! Imagine if the businesspeople and citizens in your community got together and started a LETS system, to do things the troll government said they had no money for! Imagine if next year all of the people said "Hey! You did not say you were going to be doing this biometric ID card shit during the last election, and ask us if we supported it - so we don't think you have the mandate to make us do it!" - and just said NO NO NO NO NO!!!! Some ideas for Civil Disobedience.
So I don't want to be a troll - I don't want anybody following me around! - but YOU and YOU and YOU should be speaking with your friends and neighbours, and creating small democratic councils everywhere, that are openly and democratically doing things for your community, and liaising with other nearby councils - and ALL of you in control. You don't need many levels to ensure complete grassroots rule of the national decision making process - as long as the people at the bottom have complete control over the actions of their representatives. And then on that day when the trolls are finished - when we wake up one day and find we have reached the critical mass that signals a Paradigm Shift - when the pretend-government of the trolls can give all the orders it wants, but nobody obeys them anymore - when the corporate media sells no more papers because no-one is interested in their lies anymore and gets the REAL news about what is important from the internet - then, on that day - then, instead of the chaos the trolls will surely try to create as their dying act, we will not fall, or accept their chaos - the community council system will be fully in place, and the People's Money Supply (debt-free) already circulating widely enough that the troll bankers cannot stop the real economy anymore, and Free Canada will replace Troll Canada, and be a beacon to the world. And then the President of the New Fascist States of America will nuke us all and the trolls will win in the end. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA |